Fresh Cut Professionals Lawn Care

Spring & Fall & Clean Up Services

in Shorewood, IL, plus Channahon, Joliet, Minooka, Plainfield, and the surrounding areas.

Spring & Fall & Clean Up Services

in Shorewood, IL, plus Channahon, Joliet, Minooka, Plainfield, and the surrounding areas.

Local Seasonal Yard Cleanup Services

We are a professional lawn care company providing spring and fall seasonal yard cleanups in Shorewood, Channahon, Joliet, Minooka, Plainfield, and nearby areas.

To perform a fall clean up and get the best results in the least amount of time it is important to have the proper equipment. The use of a blower preferably a back pack blower, a vacuum to load debris up when done, a mower with a vacuum to clean up lawn areas, and a rake if you a have an area not accessible by blower or the lawn mower equipped with a vacuum.

At Fresh Cut we utilize specialized equipment including top of the line backpack blower's, mowers, truck loaders to load debris at the curb, and dump trucks to haul away debris from your property.

Yard Cleanup Company Illinois

The Cleanup Process

It is best to start around the foundation of the house and blow out all landscape beds, then continue to all the other beds in the yard. While doing so pay close attention to any debris that may be trapped under the plants and shrubs. Attention to detail when cleaning out the landscape beds will make your job look great, its the attention to detail that will make your lawn stand out on the street.

The best timing for a fall clean up

A fall cleanup can be preformed in one or two stages depending on your budget and your needs. We will do everything from leaf removal, to gutter cleaning to shrub trimming. We recommend waiting until about half of the leaves have fallen on your lawn before performing your first clean up.

Many of our clients will then opt to have a second clean up in late November to make sure their lawn is perfect for spring.

Ask how to save on dominating your neighbor’s lawn in the spring.


Yard Clean Up Service FAQs

That depends on the purpose of the cleanup! In spring we will cut back all winter interests plants such as long grasses, blow out all beds, and collect all debris from the lawn. We can even edge beds, prune shrubs, prep for mulch install or give your lawn the first mow.

Over the summer we often work with clients who have neglected their landscaping and need more than a light cleanup. If this is you, no worries! Our team can work with you to find a solution that works great for you. We can remove overgrown shrubs, dig out tough weeds, and prune everything beautifully.

In the fall we will blow out beds of all leaves, cut back all perennials and leave your lawn and landscaping setup for success for the next year!

Cost for a landscape cleanup varies depending on the purpose. Something like a fall or spring cleanup starts at around $200. Entire or partial tear outs of overgrown landscaping will start around $1,500 and go up from there.

We typically start them mid-November, but it all depends again on the weather.

We provide seasonal spring and fall cleanup services in Channahon, Crest Hill, Joliet, Minooka, Plainfield, Rockdale, Shorewood, and Wilmington.

Fresh Cut Professionals Lawn Care


Minooka, IL 60447

Business Hours

Mon: 8:00am-4:00pm

Tue: 8:00am-4:00pm

Wed: 8:00am-4:00pm

Thu: 8:00am-4:00pm

Fri: 8:00am-4:00pm

Sat: 8:00am-2:00pm

Sun: Closed

Licensed, Insured and Bonded

Google Guaranteed Contractors
Angi Super Service Award
HomeAdvisor Elite Service Certificate